Learning how to learn - The tips

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Learning how to learn - The tips by Mind Map: Learning how to learn - The tips

1. Let diffused mode work

1.1. When we found ourselves stuck on a problem, it's often good, once you've focused directly on the situation, to let think settle back, and take a bit more time

1.2. DIffused mode can be access naturally when go to walk, take a shower, drift off to sleep, etc

2. Beware of Illusion of competence

2.1. Symptom : You just read something and then think you understand without testing yourselves on the knowledge

2.2. Always verify & test what you just learn to avoid this illusion

2.3. Mistake are good

2.4. Use deliberate practice

2.5. Impact: When you want to use the knowledge, you realize you cannot do it because you don't understand the detail

3. To expert in something you need to able to put it in long term memory

3.1. Create chunk

3.1.1. Focused attention

3.1.2. Understanding big concept

3.2. Practice make permanent

3.2.1. Repeation is the key to make it to long term memory

3.2.2. Exercise everyday in small hour better than try to do it in 1 night

4. Tackling procrastination

4.1. Procrastination is the enemy when we are in focus mode

4.2. Use Pomodoro Technique

4.2.1. The technique uses a timer to break down work into intervals traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks.

4.2.2. You can change the focus time depends to fit yourselves

4.3. Understand the cue

5. Spend time for physical activities

5.1. exercise will help improve our memory and our ability to learn

6. Test taking pointer

6.1. Don't panick

6.1.1. take deep breath

6.2. Blink - shift your attention - double check your answers

6.3. Get enough sleep

7. Easy way to remember new things

7.1. Relating the new knowledge with old knowledge that already in our long term memory will help remembering it

7.1.1. Our brain more easy to remember new thing with relate it with other thing that we already familiar

7.1.2. Example: use password that related with our birthday/anniversary/name of someone who close, because it's easier to remember (easily go to our long term memory)

7.2. Create methapor or analogy

7.2.1. Use memorable visual image representing one key item you want to remember

7.2.2. The funnier and more evocative the image is, the better

8. Lady Luck favors the one who tries

8.1. Just keep trying then you will be pleasantly surprise with the results