Planning Units of Study

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Planning Units of Study by Mind Map: Planning Units of Study

1. Product Studies

1.1. Real-World Writing

1.2. Genre Studies

1.3. Author Studies

1.4. Reading like Writers

1.5. Characterization

1.6. Exploring Voice

1.7. Etc

2. What Does it Look Like?

2.1. Overview of Year

2.2. Series of Mini-lessons

2.3. Goal: Depth

2.3.1. The content influences the students' writing Language for processes & products articulate what they are doing Growth in Quality

3. Process Studies

3.1. Launching workshop

3.2. Living a writerly life

3.3. Research/inquiry

3.3.1. New node

3.4. Revision

3.5. Editing

3.6. Co-authoring

3.7. Using notebooks

3.8. Etc

4. Determined by...

4.1. Vision for end of year

4.2. Curricular expectations

4.3. Past experience

4.4. Current observations & assessments

4.5. Our passions/interests