My Ideal Society

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My Ideal Society by Mind Map: My Ideal Society

1. Government

1.1. Communism

1.1.1. Organized

1.1.2. Equal pay, goods distribution, hours worked, etc.

1.2. Effects

1.2.1. Social, racial, gender equality

1.2.2. Less issues for civilians to complain about

2. Energy

2.1. Wind

2.1.1. Turbines

2.1.2. Efficient, eco-friendly power

2.2. Solar

2.2.1. Solar panels

2.2.2. Additional eco-friendly power source, doesn't take up much room

2.3. Effects

2.3.1. Green energy

2.3.2. Eco-friendly, safe, healthy energy

3. Education

3.1. Finland Style

3.1.1. Less Stress

3.1.2. Less tests, more individualized education

3.2. Effects

3.2.1. Students perform better

3.2.2. Better environment, focused students, students enjoy education more

4. Transportation

4.1. Land transportation

4.1.1. Small, electric cars Transportation of goods Commuting

4.2. Effects

4.2.1. Less pollution

4.2.2. Better air quality,environment, less weird weather patterns (global warming)

5. Economy

5.1. Command

5.1.1. Supports Communism government

5.1.2. Easier to regulate trade, imports and exports

5.2. Effects

5.2.1. No black market or illegal trade

5.2.2. Certain goods go to certain people, no one gets their hands on what they shouldn't have