LCS122 Sources Sp 2013

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LCS122 Sources Sp 2013 by Mind Map: LCS122 Sources Sp 2013

1. Academic OneFile


3. LexisNexis

4. McGraw Hill Ency. of Science

5. CQ Researcher

6. Wikipedia

7. Definitions & Orientation - what is the problem?

8. Scientific & technical concepts - what is it about / how does it work?

9. Geographic & Numerical Data

9.1. World Resources

9.2. World Development Indicators

10. Current Events & News - what is happening around it?

11. Laws and Policies - what should we do about it?

12. Websites

12.1. World Resources Institute

12.2. EPA Region 9

12.3. Statistical Record of Environment

12.4. Environmental Protection Indicators for California

12.5. U of Michigan Environmental Statistics

12.6. Atlas of Global Development

12.7. US Minerals Mgt

12.8. Innovations for Poverty Action