Culture of Cuba

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Culture of Cuba by Mind Map: Culture of Cuba

1. Art

1.1. Based off of religion.

1.2. Visual arts--some employed by the ministry of culture.

2. Religion

2.1. Catholic, but not involved with the government.

2.2. Used to persecute Catholics. but now that has eased some.

3. Technology

3.1. Little disposable income means families cannot afford technology at home.

4. Education

4.1. Literacy is 99.7%

4.2. Mean years of education around 10.

4.3. Problem: lack of teachers due to low pay and lots of work..

5. Family

5.1. Small family size due to economic opportunity.

6. Economy

6.1. Communist

6.2. Can't afford much technology.

7. Political / Government

7.1. Censorship

8. Social

8.1. Classless society because the communists redistribute wealth.

8.2. Machismo

8.3. Not many natives.

8.4. Live with extended family.