Education Technology

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Education Technology by Mind Map: Education Technology

1. HOW are you going to find out?

1.1. I will read the material for this class to help me learn more about education technology.

1.2. I will work with my classmates and share ideas of education technology.

1.3. I will do more research on education technology.

2. What do you KNOW?

2.1. There are several useful ways to use technology in the classroom by using Teach Hub.

2.2. Technology works well in a student-centered learning environment.

2.3. Technology works well for those students who are kinesthetic learners.

2.4. Graphic organizers are a useful tool that students can create using word processing programs.

3. What do you WANT to know?

3.1. What other tools are there to teach students using technology or through the use of technology?

3.2. What are some good technologies to use with different types of learners?

3.3. How do I keep students involved in the assignments while using different technologies? I want them to stay focused!

3.4. What is a good way to use Blogs in the classroom and keep students engaged in reading the blog and commenting?

3.5. How do I teach my students to use

4. What did you LEARN?

4.1. I have learned there are several websites available to help my students, e.g., MindMeister, Inspiration/Kidspiration, Wolfram Alpha, all of the survey programs, just to name a few.

4.2. I have learned about what assistive technologies are available to my students.

4.3. I still need to learn about using blogs in the classroom and how to use

4.4. I have learned so many different things about using technology in the classroom. The textbook was great!!

4.5. I have learned from my classmates review of websites. I can better choose a an educational resource to use in my classroom based on their evaluations.

4.6. I have learned that I had been on the right track. With this class I have some additional technology tools to use in the classroom.

4.7. I have been re-introduced to Google Docs and plan to use it more often.

4.8. I have learned, through the Technology Survey, that many of us face the same issues with technology in our schools.