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WEB 2.0 by Mind Map: WEB 2.0

1. Marketing

1.1. Flash Advertising

1.2. "Click to Win"

1.3. Pop Ups

1.4. Name/ Product search

2. Research

2.1. On-Line Surveys

2.2. Questionares

2.3. Name Search

2.3.1. Wikipedia

2.3.2. Google

2.3.3. Hello Peter

2.4. Popularity

2.4.1. Visits on Site

3. Logistics

3.1. Ordering

3.1.1. Manufacturer to Retailer/ Wholesaler

3.1.2. Retailer to Consumer

3.2. Logistics

3.2.1. Inbound

3.2.2. Outbound

3.2.3. Order Tracking

4. Sales

4.1. National/ International

4.2. Pick 'n Pay on-line Shopping


4.4. Amazon