Pier A

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Pier A by Mind Map: Pier A

1. Biography

1.1. Born in Florence, Italy,1921, living in Schenectady, NY,USA

1.2. Professor in University

1.3. Son of a astronomer

2. Life experience

2.1. Love hiking, hiked 3 times the distance of the equator length

2.2. Lived in 15 different countries in his life

2.3. Speaks 5 languages

2.4. Participated in World War II as an Italian solider

2.5. Moved to US from Italy in year 1946

3. Some details

3.1. Love wine, drinks at least one cup per day

3.2. Drinks tea, doesn't take coffee

3.3. Take one hour nap every day

3.4. Travel to Finland every May for giving lectures

3.5. Not quite adaptive to new things

3.6. He donates money to foundations that supports children education

3.7. Both of his parents lived more than 100 years old

3.8. Stephanie is a cello player, they visit concerts at least once per month

4. Shoes

4.1. Have around 30 pairs of shoes, most of them are leather shoes with old style, and have been used for more than 5 years, the shoes that often wear are around 5 pairs

4.2. Have knee problem and walk with a stick for long distance

4.3. Able to put on shoes on his own daily

4.4. Wear shoes about 8 hours per day

4.5. Quality and comfort come first when choosing new shoes

4.6. Doesn't buy new shoes often because he has enough shoes

4.7. Not going to spend money on intelligent shoes for his own

5. Life in general

5.1. Married to Stepahnie for 65 years

5.2. Happy Marriage

5.3. 2 children, and in total 70 descendant in 3 generations

5.4. Still working about 4 hours every day in university

5.5. Live close to university, walk to work every day

5.6. Doesn't drive a car any more, either walk or take public transport, children come back to see them about once per month