by Peter Lesser
1. Research & Documentation
1.1. MLA, APA, other guidelines
1.2. MLA citation drills (other styles?)
1.3. Plagiarism tutorial
1.4. Research-Writing tutorial
1.5. Model research papers (the four systems, one paper each)
1.6. Top links
2. Exercises & Quizzes
2.1. Paragraphs
2.2. Sentences
2.3. Words
2.4. Punctuation
2.5. MLA/APA citation
2.6. Plagiarism
2.7. Visual Rhetoric
2.8. Top links
3. News
3.1. New print and emdia publications
3.2. Norton Writer's Prize info
3.3. Author appearances
3.4. General composition news
4. Rhetoric & Writing
4.1. Model student papers
4.2. Design
4.3. Web rhetorics tutorial
4.4. Writing about literature
4.4.1. PDF of LIT11 chap.
4.4.2. Model paper (if not in LIT11 chap.)
4.5. Writing about Film (Dartmouth owns this)
4.6. Slideshow maker
4.7. Top links
5. Readings & Writers
5.1. Norton Titles
5.2. Author biographies
5.3. Model student papers
5.4. Got Feedback?
5.4.1. Suggest a reading
5.4.2. Comment on a Norton Book
5.4.3. Become a Reviewer
5.5. Top links
6. WPAs & Instructors
6.1. Menu of books with instructors resources available
6.1.1. web ad "for instructors" area
6.2. WPA outcomes
6.2.1. The statment
6.2.2. How Bullock supports the outcomes
6.2.3. How Book X supports the outcomes
6.3. Got Feedback?
6.3.1. Comment on a Norton book
6.3.2. Suggest a reading
6.3.3. Become a reviewer
6.4. Top links
7. Norton titles
7.1. Gallery of selected titles
7.1.1. Composition web ad--specific book pages
7.1.2. All composition titles (writing subject page)