Food Allergies

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Food Allergies by Mind Map: Food Allergies

1. When and how to be Tested?

1.1. Seek an allergist

1.2. Symptoms such as hives, itchy skin, asthma, anaphylaxis

1.3. Prick Test - 1st Recommended

1.4. Blood Test when severe allergies are present

2. Coping

2.1. Travelling

2.2. Restaurants

2.3. Grocery Shopping

2.4. School

3. Be Prepared

3.1. Epi-Pen

3.2. Anti-histamine

3.3. Knowledge

3.4. Bring safe food when in doubt

4. Who Gets them?

4.1. Genetic Link

4.2. 5% of children under 5 (and growing)

4.3. 1% of adults

4.4. Individuals with Asthma or other types of allergies more susceptible

4.5. In certain cases they can be outgrown

5. Big "8"

5.1. Peanuts

5.2. Tree nuts

5.3. Milk

5.4. Eggs

5.5. Soy

5.6. Wheat

6. What are food allergies?

6.1. Overreaction to a protein

6.2. Differ from food sensitivities/intolerances

6.3. Reactions can be deadly