Daily Life in Ancient Rome

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Daily Life in Ancient Rome by Mind Map: Daily Life in Ancient Rome

1. Law and Order

1.1. The Senate and assemblies were important sources of law. Crime was common in Rome, so they kept a watchful eye over the wealthy neighborhoods. Rich women and children were told never to go outside alone, and the neighborhoods closed at night.

2. Religion

2.1. The Romans believed that their gods controlled their daily life, so they tried to please them. They offered them food, animals, or asked them to cure any of the sick or injured. They threw in food into their fires as offerings for the gods.

3. Family Life

3.1. The paterfamilias ruled Family life in Rome. He is the father and expected to take care of his family. If he doesn't approve of any newborn baby, they are left outside to die or to be claimed as a slave. If he does approve, he will take the baby in.

4. Housing

4.1. The wealthy usually had nice houses with a lot of space. Next to them were the small, dark apartments of the poor. A lot of family and guests would come, eating meals cooked by slaves and listening to the slaves play music for them.

5. Country Life

5.1. Wealthy Romans owned large houses, or villas. Most of the slaves did farm work, and provided everyone with food.

6. Rome

6.1. All of the Romans were connected by laws and customs. Their vast empire was made up of monuments, temples, theaters, and government buildings. And these were the heart of life in Rome.

7. Daily Life

7.1. Most of Rome's people lived in tiny apartments crammed into dirty streets. In the Forum, wealthy people would walk around with their slaves and bodyguards by their side.

8. Food and Drink

8.1. Usually only the rich had kitchens in their homes. The poor would go eat at restaurants called thermopolia. There they had hot and cold foods ready to eat. The rich could also go to the thermopolia sometimes.

9. Education

9.1. School in Rome depended on which family you were born into. Usually rich children were tutored by their fathers or slaves. School usually lasted until two or three in the afternoon.

10. Recreation

10.1. In Rome, the rich enjoyed entertainment in theater or musical plays. There were a lot of chariot races and gladiator contests both for slaves and the rich.