Daily Life In Ancient Rome

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Daily Life In Ancient Rome by Mind Map: Daily Life In Ancient Rome

1. Family Life

1.1. Paterfamilias, or "father of the family", ruled family life in Rome.

1.2. Roman men were expected to provide for the family.

1.3. Wealthy Roman ran their house holds. They bought and trained their family slaves.

2. Food and drink

2.1. Weather a family was rich or poor decided what you ate.

2.2. Only rich people had kitchens in their homes.

2.3. The poor cooked on small grills and depended on fast-food places called thermopolia where people could buy hot and cold foods which were all ready to eat.

3. Housing

3.1. poor and rich housing were very different like food .

3.2. The very spacious and very airy homes of the rich stood next to the small, dark apartments of the poor.

3.3. Stone and marble were used to make the houses for the rich, wile the poor crowed into tall apartment buildings.

4. Education

4.1. In ancient rome, they family you were raised into decided what type of education you recived

4.2. Instead of school, many poor children were sent to work.

4.3. In richer families, little girls and boys were tourtured by there father andsometimes even slaves untill they were six, then the boys were sentoff to school

5. Recreation

5.1. wealthy Romans had alot of leisure because there slaves did all there work for them.

5.2. Both the rich, and the poor both relaxed at Romes public baths.

5.3. Usually, slaves or prisoners of war were gladiators but both men and women were gladiators, although some won or bought their freedom in time.

6. Country life

6.1. Rome was one of the many cities scattered out thought the Roman empire.

6.2. But around 90 percent of Romes people lived in the country.

6.3. In the country, wealthy people owned large country estates.

7. Law and Order

7.1. The Senate and the assembly are both an important sources for law in the days of republic.

7.2. In the empire, the emperor was the biggest source of law.

7.3. In Rome, crime was very common, even tho the laws were strict.

8. Religion

8.1. People made offerings and promises to the gods in Rome's many temples and shrines.

8.2. They sometimes left food for gifts for the gods such as fruit and honey cakes.

8.3. Throughout the year, holidays and festivals were held thought the year.