How have behaviors, (influenced by culture) for female Chinese teenagers changed since Kong Yi Ji...

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How have behaviors, (influenced by culture) for female Chinese teenagers changed since Kong Yi Ji's time period (1919)? by Mind Map: How have behaviors, (influenced by culture) for female Chinese teenagers changed since Kong Yi Ji's time period (1919)?

1. The way in life in China is not that different due to Western influence, for example, they have modern apartment complexes, and modern design in buildings. The clothing is very similar to us.

2. bibliography:

3. BRS Group 4 Input

3.1. .....

3.2. ,,,,,,,

3.3. ......

3.4. .....

4. This question is open for extensive research and discussion but I think it would be more related to the book if we focus on general lives of Chinese citizens instead of that of female citizens because neither teenager nor female characters are mentioned in the book 'Kong Yi Ji'. -Sesil Lee

5. What is the root cause of the difference between roles for women in China and in America.

5.1. They live in smaller family units, and most adults, both male and female, have jobs.

5.2. the parents expect a lot of respect from their children. In more rural areas, they are more traditional.

5.3. B:

6. More and more women are starting to expand areas that they are able to work, because there's a viewpoint that Whatever men can do in these services women can equally do, this has increased since the cultural revolution in the 1960s

7. Before the revolution, women took care of children and only did work around the house, when they did have other jobs, they were not paid equally. Very few women were educated, and those were did not have a full education

8. This cite is a reference to women's roles throughout history, citeation:

9. This is interesting to us because it describes what it might be like for us if we were in China now and during Kong Yi Ji's time.

10. This is socially important because if we didn't know how to "behave" in China, so we might come off as disrespectful

11. The readings contribute to this question because it has multiple interactions between Chinese young adults.

12. Final question: How has China's history influenced the role of women in China today?

12.1. blood relationship between the father and son is the most important element of society.

12.2. more facts

12.3. Movement will be ended when and only when, led by a Marxist-Leninist political party, the process of the social transformation of society as a whole is complete

12.4. Now, women and men have equal pay, but if you give birth to a girl, it's considered a disappointment

12.5. The start of women becoming equal to men was at the start of the democratic revolution which started when the emperor was overthrown in 1911, the revolution wasn't completed until 1949 (this was similar to the women's suffrage) It helped the women's liberation movement.

12.6. j