Participating in Democracy

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Participating in Democracy by Mind Map: Participating in Democracy

1. Representational Democracy

1.1. Electoral College

1.1.1. Objective: Students will evaluate the structure and function of the Electoral College. Activity: Students will be gathered into small groups and given handouts of the various reform proposals to amend the certain discrepancies in the current Electoral College. Assessment: In their groups, students will discuss the proposals and fulfill an organizer worksheet to rate, explain, and rationalize each proposal.

1.2. Gerrymandering

1.2.1. Objective: Students will craft Congressional District lines to manipulate the outcome of elections. Activities: Students will play the Redistricting Game, were they will be in control of setting Congressional Districts for the purpose of fixing the outcomes of elections. Assessment: Students will complete a worksheet on the Redistricting Game, with checklist and summary questions for each level of the game.

2. Political Parties

2.1. Two Party System

2.1.1. Objective: Students will explore the causes and development of America's political system being dominated by two parties. Activities: I will deliver to the class an interactive lecture that briefly overviews the history of political parties and key elections in America. Assessment: Students will print out guided notes on the lecture so they may fill-in the important information, draw illustrations, and write auxiliary commentary around the slide notes.

2.2. Spoiler Effect

2.2.1. Objective: Students will analyze the how Third Party Candidates affect an election in a Two Party System. Activities: Students will collect into small groups and analyze various political cartoons printed on handouts. I will demonstrate how to break down the first political cartoon on the projector, then enrich their discussions with question prompts. Assessment: Students will breakdown various political cartoons, then record their analysis and discussion on their worksheet.

2.3. Party Hierarchy

2.3.1. Objective: Students will breakdown the structure and hierarchy of an American Political Party. Activity: Students will be given a worksheet to guide them through a chapter reading in their text books. Assessment: Students will fill-out a graphic organizer that follows the layout and structure of a political party.