P1b- Radiation and the Universe- Hina Kanani

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P1b- Radiation and the Universe- Hina Kanani by Mind Map: P1b- Radiation and the Universe- Hina Kanani

1. Half Life

1.1. Geiger Counter

2. Radiation

2.1. Alpha Particles

2.2. Beta radiation

2.3. Gamma

3. Origin Of the Universe

3.1. Red Shift

3.2. Doppler Effect

3.3. Big Bang Theory

3.4. Space Telescopes

4. EM Waves

4.1. Radio Waves

4.2. Micro Waves

4.3. Infra Red

4.4. Visible Light

4.5. Ultraviolet

4.6. X Rays

5. Analogue and Digital Signals

6. Radioactivity

6.1. Isoptopes

6.2. Radioactive decay

6.3. Ionisation