Action Map : "Adress the issue of poor or challenging performer"

Design document - What do they have to do ? - practice activities for each action/behavior, mirroring real life - links each activity to the action it supports - identifies the information needed

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Action Map : "Adress the issue of poor or challenging performer" by Mind Map: Action Map : "Adress the issue of poor or challenging  performer"

1. connect with the human resource partner to ensure proper policy and documentation are followed

1.1. why when

2. Performance quadrant

3. How : using a performance coaching & feedback approach

4. choose the appropriate step in the progressive approach towards improving performance

4.1. cases where learners determine which step yo use in the progressive approach using own judgement and the circumstances of each case

4.1.1. when in the general PM process ongoing and progressive process

4.1.2. how formal /informal ?

4.1.3. progressive approach

4.2. when to skip early steps (serious offenses)

4.3. when to start with ongoing feedback & coaching

5. initiate effective performance-related conversations by applying a performance coaching and feedback approach

5.1. prepare the meeting with SBIR model

5.1.1. plan SBIR content Situation Behavior Impact Request

5.1.2. identify poor performance job incompatibility disruptive behavior

5.2. hold the meeting with SBIR model

5.2.1. provide feedback and coaching active listening questioning

5.3. document with SBIR model

5.3.1. write assessment

5.3.2. track in the Workday HR information platform.

6. choose the right strategy

6.1. look for root cause and use 4Ts

6.2. consider information issues

6.3. consider motivation issues

6.4. consider abilities issues

6.5. consider system issues

7. make and action plan

7.1. Plan

7.2. Do

7.3. Monitor

7.4. Rewiew

8. Goal : maintain improved performance

9. Given the FHI360 corporate policy

10. questions about actions

10.1. What tasks will the learners be asked to perform ?

10.2. What decisions will the learner need to make ?

10.3. What resources will they have to consult in order to do the right thing?

10.4. What are the potential consequences of success or failure of the apllied learning?

10.5. In what context does the learner apply the information once training is over ?

11. 70 20 10 informal learning model

12. Managers main concerns

12.1. dont' want to upset the employee if performs the jobs even under expectations

12.2. might spark a decision to leave

12.3. not sure how to discuss tough issues with them. concerned they’ll become defensive

12.4. Are human resource management tools from the profit sector effective in the humanitarian sector?