Ancillary Product Rules

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Ancillary Product Rules by Mind Map: Ancillary Product Rules

1. What TO do

1.1. Only 2 fonts maximum should be used and have to be appropriate for the selected genre.

1.2. Only 3 colours maximum should be used and they must go accordingly to the genre selected.

1.3. Clear photos should be used and they must be the size of the panel.

1.4. Should follow rule of thirds for composition.

1.5. All of the following should be included; barcode, date, copyright information, record company logo, website, the artist website, title of album and artist name.

2. What NOT to do:

2.1. The image should be taken to fit the panel and not the other way round. If the image is over-stretched it looks unprofessional and you lose marks.

2.2. Keep it simple. All effects, images and text should have a purpose and fit with the genre.

2.3. Place text across, up or down the face of the artist.

2.3.1. Use a font that you 'like' make it fit with the genre.

2.4. Never use fonts only because they 'look nice' or you 'like' them. They must fit with the genre.

2.5. Make every panel have a picture. Follow the conventions of the genre.

2.6. Use a font that you 'like' make it fit with the genre.