Daily Life in Ancient Rome

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Daily Life in Ancient Rome by Mind Map: Daily Life in Ancient Rome

1. Section 2:

1.1. Rome was beautiful. People were crammed into tight houses with disease. But, wealthy people had big, beautiful homes.

2. Section 3:

2.1. Romans believed in the rule of law. They also believed in tradition. Roman laws were strict, but crime happened often.

3. Section 4:

3.1. Religion was very important to Romans. They worshiped many gods. There were many holidays and festivals honoring the gods. Also, when someone got injured they would make an offering in the shape of the body part that got hurt.

4. Section 5:

4.1. In Rome a father's word was law. Roman men provided for their families and Roman women were expected to run the house.

5. Section 6:

5.1. Poor people cooked on small grills and ate fast food. Rich people also bought fast food because it was convenient. Foods in Rome were Vegetables, meats, cheeses, spices, beans, and bread.

6. Section 7:

6.1. Poor people lived in dark, small, and cramped houses. The wealthy lived in big, roomy houses. The poor also lived in houses filled with disease.

7. Section 8:

7.1. Rich sons and daughters were taught by their fathers, or often their slaves. Roman school started very early in the morning. They would sit on stools with the tutor sitting around them.

8. Section 9:

8.1. Rich people had big houses and slaves. Rich and poor would both bathe in the public pool.

9. Section 10:

9.1. Rich and poor both lived in the country. About 90% of Rome lived in the country. Slaves did a lot of farming.