Three branches of the federal government

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Three branches of the federal government by Mind Map: Three branches of the federal government

1. To be a representative you must be 25 years old, a U.S citizen for at least 7 years and a resident of the state you represent.

2. responsibilities

2.1. This branch includes the president and, the vice president.

3. Legislative Branch

3.1. The House of Representatives

3.2. Congress

3.2.1. responsibilties

3.2.2. The Senate To be a senator you must be 30 years old, a citizen for at least 9 years, and a resident of the state you represent.

3.3. requirements

4. Judicial Branch

4.1. Protest

4.2. responsibilities

4.3. requirements

5. Executive Branch

5.1. requirements

5.1.1. You must be a member of his cabinet to be confirmed to be heading the 15 federal departments.

5.1.2. They review about 9,000 cases each year. This branch is the highest and most important court in the Supreme Court.

5.1.3. Born in the U.S

5.1.4. Must be at least 35 years old