Noahs Ark
by emma smith

1. Communication Language and Literacy
1.1. L.O.-Use language to imagine and recreate roles and experiences
1.2. L.O.-Use talk to organise, sequence and clarify thinking, ideas, feelings and events
1.3. Sharing the story of Noah's Ark
1.3.1. AT1
1.4. Singing songs about Noah's Ark
1.5. Ordering the story of Noah's Ark
1.6. Use Drama techniques such as hot seating and freeze frames to re-tell and act out the the story.
2. Creative Development
2.1. Class Rainbow using different materials e.g. tissue paper, paint
2.2. Using Playdough to make animals.
2.3. Constructing Boats using recycled materials
2.4. L.O.-Create constructions, collages, painting and drawings.
2.5. Singing songs and using percussion instruments such as a rainmaker.
2.5.1. Make own rainmakers
2.5.2. L.O.-Explore the different sounds of instruments
2.6. Noah's ark Small world play in builders tray and water tray using boats and animals
2.6.1. L.O.-Introduce a storyline or narrative into their play
3. Physical Development
3.1. Fine motor skills with playdough and art activities.
3.1.1. L.O.-Handle tools, objects, construction and malleable materials safely and with increasing control.
3.2. Movement in drama and dance sessions
3.2.1. L.O.-Move with confidence, imagination and in safety.
3.3. Dance- explore how different animals move.
4. Problem solving, reasoning and numeracy.
4.1. Counting in twos using animals and with the song.
4.1.1. L.O.-Count aloud in ones, twos, fives or tens
4.2. Exploring ideas of weight, together with floating and sinking;"how many animals can you fit on your boat before it sinks?"
5. Key-
5.1. Blue texts are specific RE related activities
5.1.1. AT1 and 2 refers to the attainment targets of the national curriculum
5.2. Learning Objectives in green text are taken from the Early Years Foundation Stage.
5.3. Activities in black text have a cross curricular link to the topic of Noah's Ark.
6. Knowledge and Understanding of the World
6.1. L.O.-Build and construct with a wide range of objects, selecting appropriate resources and adapting their work where necessary
6.2. Exploring using different materials to make boats that can float.
6.3. Discuss the animals' natural habitats.
6.3.1. Care of animals and responsibility of them e.g. pets
6.4. Looking after our planet
7.1. L.O.-Understand that people have different beliefs that need to be treated with respect
7.2. Discuss the feelings Noah may have had when being asked to build the Ark.
7.2.1. Use 'teacher in role' and hotseating techniques to take this further.
7.2.2. AT1+2
7.3. L.O,-Work as part of a group or class, taking turns and sharing fairly, understanding that there needs to be agreed values and codes of behaviour for groups of people to work together harmoniously.
7.4. "Do you think all of the animals got on well together on the boat?" Link to friendship groups and arguments in the playground.
7.4.1. AT2
7.5. Care of animals and responsibility of them e.g. pets
7.6. Talk about the rainbow as a symbol of the Promise God made to Noah. What is a promise? What promises could we make?
7.6.1. AT1+2