SWOT Analysis
by damian rivlin

1. Strengths
1.1. Guide Posts
1.1.1. What are the advantages of your company?
1.1.2. What do other companies see as your strengths?
1.3. Technical competence
1.4. Quality product
1.5. Fresh approach-no boundaries
1.6. Leadership
2. Opportunities
2.1. Guide Posts
2.1.1. Interesting trends in your niche?
2.1.2. What are the best opportunities?
2.2. Competitors vulnerabilities
2.3. Improved compliance
2.4. New niche markets
3. Weaknesses
3.1. Guide Posts
3.1.1. Areas you should avoid?
3.1.2. What are some weaknesses seen by other companies?
3.2. Work/life balance
3.3. Develop back up support
3.4. Lack of accounting structure
3.4.1. Possible Solutions
3.5. Communication
3.5.1. Communication between teams
3.5.2. More communication around structure
3.5.3. Set Goals
4. Threats
4.1. Guide Posts
4.1.1. Is there any outstanding debt or large loans?
4.1.2. What is your competition doing?
4.2. Competing with others for capital
4.2.1. Competition Factors