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Waves by Mind Map: Waves

1. Reflected

1.1. To bounce back

1.1.1. To go to its original state

1.2. To come back to it's original state

2. Photons

2.1. Small bundles of energy that make up light

2.1.1. Light particles

2.2. Light particles

3. Spectrum

3.1. The band of colors that make up white light

3.1.1. Every color made from white light

3.2. Every color made from light

4. Prism

4.1. A clear piece of glass or plastic to separate light

4.1.1. A tool used to separate colors

4.2. A tool used to separate colors

5. Vibrations

5.1. To move rapidly back and forth

5.2. Shaking fast

6. Sound Waves

6.1. A wave produced by vibrations

6.2. Waves that produce sound

7. Light

7.1. A form of energy that can be seen

7.2. Brightness

8. Refraction

8.1. The bending of a light wave as it moves from one material to another

8.2. Light bent while traveling through something