Bloom's Taxonomy

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Bloom's Taxonomy by Mind Map: Bloom's Taxonomy

1. The ranking

1.1. 1) [Highest Order of thinking] Evaluate

1.2. 2) Create

1.3. 3) Analyse

1.4. 4) Apply

1.5. 5) Understand

1.6. 6) [Lowest order of thinking] Remember

2. How did we rate it?

2.1. Remember

2.1.1. Learn about something

2.1.2. Revise it for a few times

2.2. Understand

2.2.1. Fully understand its characteristics and digest it

2.3. Apply

2.3.1. Use what you learnt to plan out a plan

2.4. Analyse

2.4.1. Examine something

2.4.2. note down its features

2.5. Evaluate

2.5.1. To determine the value of it

2.6. Create

2.6.1. Complete the thinking process

3. Critical For Each Heading

3.1. Remember

3.1.1. Have in or be able to bring to one's mind an awareness of (someone or something from the past)

3.2. Understand

3.2.1. To know the characteristics

3.2.2. be able to know what we can do

3.3. Apply

3.3.1. Examine something methodically and in detail

3.3.2. typically in order to explain and interpret it

3.4. Analyse

3.4.1. To look at something

3.4.2. write down its characteristics

3.5. Create

3.5.1. Make out something

3.6. Evaluate

3.6.1. Form an idea of the amount, number, or value of; assess

4. Our Classification

4.1. Remember

4.1.1. List

4.1.2. Plan

4.2. Understand

4.2.1. Identify

4.2.2. Find

4.3. Apply

4.3.1. Use

4.3.2. Predect

4.3.3. Recommend

4.4. Analyse

4.4.1. Illustrate

4.4.2. Compare and Contrast

4.4.3. Examine

4.4.4. Assess

4.4.5. Differentiate

4.5. Create

4.5.1. Invent

4.5.2. Complete

4.5.3. Compose

4.5.4. Prioritise

4.5.5. Design

4.5.6. Experiment

4.6. Evaluate

4.6.1. Explain

4.6.2. Use

4.6.3. Describe

4.6.4. Compare

4.6.5. Name

4.6.6. Justify

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