Point of View ...

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Point of View 3 RL.6 Distinguish their own point of view from that of the narrator or those of the character by Mind Map: Point of View                                                                                                                                              3 RL.6 Distinguish their own point of view from that of the narrator or those of the character

1. 2nd Learning Choice

1.1. A Shoe's Point of View

1.2. Shoes

1.3. Demonstrate Mastery: Use presentation to write a story with illustrations using a shoe's point of view. Describe their life as a shoe.

1.3.1. A day in the life as a shoe

2. 3rd Learning Choice

2.1. Listen to Hey Little Ant

2.1.1. After listening to this story complete a Graphic organizer you create using presentation in google docs with boy's point of view in the story, ant's point of view in the story.

2.1.2. Demonstrate Mastery: Next write your ending to this story, Should the boy squish the ant or not?

3. 1st Learning Choice

3.1. Read Aloud

3.1.1. After listening to this story complete the graphic organizer to complete the viewpoints of the author (what Ike really experienced) and what Ike wanted Mrs. LaRue to believe. This graphic organizer is on google classroom.

3.1.2. Demonstrate Mastery: Next write a letter to Mrs. LaRue to give her advice for handling Ike in the futere. Use the graphic organizer you completed to help you with your task.