MindMeister on Biggerplate.com!

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MindMeister on Biggerplate.com! by Mind Map: MindMeister on Biggerplate.com!

1. For more mind maps, visit Biggerplate.com

2. What is Biggerplate?

2.1. The Home of Mind Mapping

2.2. Mind Map Library

2.3. Mind Map Community

3. How to share your MindMeister maps

3.1. Make make Public on MindMeister.com

3.2. Look for the 'Share map' button

3.3. Select 'share on Biggerplate'

3.4. Add any additional info

3.5. Hit share!

4. 3 Reasons to share your maps on Biggerplate!

4.1. Provide inspiration and ideas for others

4.2. Showcase your knowledge and expertise

4.3. You'll be joining a community of over 80,000 mind mappers!