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Botnet by Mind Map: Botnet

1. Infrastructure

1.1. Internet Relay Chat

1.2. Peer-to-Peer

1.3. HTTP

1.4. FTP

1.5. Fast-Flux

1.6. Domain-Flux

2. Terminology

2.1. Bot Master

2.2. Bot

2.3. Botnet Army

2.4. Bot Binary

2.5. Command and Control

2.5.1. C&C Channel

2.5.2. C&C Server Push Pull

2.5.3. C&C Infrastructure Centralized Distributed Unstructured

3. Propagation

3.1. Malicious Code

3.2. Unpatched Vulnerabilities

3.3. Backdoors

3.4. Password Guessing

4. Application Area

4.1. Distributed Denial of Service

4.2. Adware

4.3. Spyware

4.4. Spamming

4.5. Phising

4.6. Click Fraud

5. Detection

5.1. Traffic Monitoring

5.1.1. Signature Based Detection

5.1.2. Anomaly Based Detection

5.1.3. DNS Based Detection

5.1.4. Data Mining Based Detection

5.2. Anti-Malware Software

6. Tracking

6.1. Honeypot

6.1.1. Malware Collection

6.1.2. Vulnerability Emulation

6.2. Sandbox

6.3. Infiltration