How to find and do work you love Scott Dinsmore, TEDxGoldenGatePark
by Raphaela Brandner
1. Do the impossible
1.1. Everything was impossible, until somebody did it
1.2. Environment is everything
1.2.1. Surround yourself with the people who are already doing it, who inspire you
1.2.2. Learn from them!
1.2.3. Don't change your goals, change your surroundings!
2. Becoming a self expert, understanding yourself
2.1. Unique strengths
2.2. Values
2.3. Experiences
2.4. Define what success means to you, what makes you come alive
3. Live your legend
4. Mahatma Gandhi
4.1. First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
5. Warren Buffet
5.1. Taking jobs to build up your resumé is the same as saving up sex for old age
6. On average, over 80% of people don't enjoy their work.
7. What is the work you CAN'T NOT DO?
7.1. Discover it
7.2. Live it
7.3. Change the world