English Colonies

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English Colonies by Mind Map: English Colonies

1. New York

1.1. The Dutch founded this colony

1.2. Many people came from France,Sweden and Portugal

1.3. Was originally called New Netherland but King Charells brother James was sent to conquer the land and renamed it New York

1.4. Founded to be a trading post for the Dutch in the New world

2. Middle Colonies

2.1. Pennsylvaina

2.1.1. Founded by Wiliam Penn.

2.1.2. Many different people where immgrating to this colony from England,Wales,Scotland,Ireland, Germany,Holland,Swizerland

2.1.3. This colony was founded casue the Quakers did not like the views of the English church.

2.1.4. Founded because Penn wanted to find a safe place for the Quakers to live

2.1.5. What was signifigant about this colony becasue it was made up of Quakers men and women where treated equally.

2.2. Delaware

2.2.1. Founded by William Penn

2.2.2. People from Sweden camen here but in the Dutch took control of the colony

2.2.3. What is signifigante about this colony is the it was a seprate colony from the rest

2.2.4. split off from pennsylvania