Soundpress Content Strategy

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Soundpress Content Strategy by Mind Map: Soundpress Content Strategy

1. Questions:

1.1. Our ONE big thing -- what is it?

1.1.1. Growing Clients Busiensses

1.2. Is there a slogan?

1.2.1. Turning Visions into Realities

1.3. What do we want people to do?

1.3.1. Give us all their stuff to do. :)

2. Home

2.1. Messages

2.1.1. Values

2.1.2. Case Studies

2.1.3. About us

2.2. Recent projects

2.3. Why use us?

2.4. Latest blog headline

2.5. Testimonial

3. Capabilities

3.1. List of services (not too deep)

3.1.1. Social Media

4. Portfolio

4.1. Case Studies

4.1.1. Challenge

4.1.2. Process

4.1.3. Solution

4.1.4. Top Clients with the Challenge Process Solution Structure - ACDelco, UMC, MRO, SAY, MLCF, Centennial, GLS, Ronan Measure

4.2. Web design

4.3. Graphic design

4.4. Archive

5. Contact

5.1. Address

5.2. Phone #

5.3. Contact form

5.3.1. Name

5.3.2. Email

5.3.3. Phone (optional)

5.3.4. Message

5.3.5. Submit button

6. Impact

6.1. What makes you successful

6.1.1. Good analysis/strategy

6.1.2. Good process

6.1.3. Good service

6.1.4. Good design

6.1.5. Good code

6.2. What makes us credible

6.2.1. People/Values

6.2.2. History 10 years of business 2010 April

6.2.3. Awards TV Production

6.2.4. Clients B2B Commercial Non-Profit

6.2.5. Testimonials

6.2.6. link to Services

6.2.7. link to Work

6.3. What makes us different

6.3.1. Process/Approach

6.3.2. Systems/Products/Web Apps CustomCat .NET CMS Form Builders Custom App Dev

6.3.3. How we do what we do

7. News

7.1. Announcements

7.2. Inspiration

7.3. New clients

7.4. Client news

7.4.1. let's use this to have links to clients Social Media and help promote/advertise/list what we do Green Learning Station Marvin Lewis Community Fund Other clients with Social Media

7.5. Recent launches

7.6. Blog- Idea Inspection