Internet of Things

IoT technology, consortia, protocols, standards, platforms, etc.

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Internet of Things by Mind Map: Internet of Things

1. Open Interconnect Consortium

2. Raspbian

3. Open source

3.1. Eclipse IoT

3.2. Mbed

3.3. Kaa

3.4. Meshblu

3.5. Nimbits

3.6. OpenRemote

3.7. SiteWhere

3.8. Spark

3.9. ThingSpeak

4. Transport

4.1. 6LoWPAN

4.2. AMQP

4.3. CoAP

4.4. DDS

4.5. HTTP

4.6. MQTT

4.7. STOMP

4.8. Thread

4.9. XMPP

4.10. ZeroMQ

5. JHam

5.1. Physical

5.1.1. BLE

5.1.2. WLAN

5.1.3. ZigBee

5.1.4. Z-Wave

5.1.5. RF

6. Frameworks

6.1. AllJoyn

6.2. HomeKit

6.3. Kura

6.4. IoTivity

6.5. Node-RED

7. OS

7.1. Contiki

7.2. FreeRTOS

7.3. RIOT

7.4. TinyOS

8. Platforms

8.1. Proprietary

8.1.1. 2lemetry

8.1.2. Axeda IoT

8.1.3. Cisco IoE

8.1.4. Intel IoT

8.1.5. Oracle IoT

8.1.6. Microsoft LoT

8.1.7. SmartThings

8.1.8. ThingWorx

8.1.9. Xively

9. Consortia

9.1. AllSeen Alliance

9.2. IEEE P2413

9.3. Industrial Internet Consortium

9.4. Thread Group