Conflict in Sri Lanka

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Conflict in Sri Lanka by Mind Map: Conflict in Sri Lanka

1. Fixed number of places reserved for the native Sinhalese

1.1. Meant that the quality of life for Tamils would be affected

2. Tamils had to score higher marks than Sinhalese to enter univiersity

3. Under British rule, English-educated Tamils could enter government service and be promoted

4. Under Official Language Act, Tamils in govt servivce were given 3 years to learn Sinhala or be dismissed

4.1. Tamils upset as they found it diff to find jobs or be promoted

5. Sinhalese peasants transferred to Tamil areas in the North and East

5.1. Tamils in the highlands found this invasive and felt disrespected by the Sri Lankan govt

6. Sinhala declared as official language after Sri Lanka gained independence from British rule

7. Citizenship Rights

7.1. Ceylon Citizenship Rights 1956

7.1.1. Only people or whose forefathers born in Sri Lanka can be granted citiezenship Many Tamils therefore have no basic rights

8. 'Sinhala Only' Policy

9. University Admission Rights

9.1. New admission criteira in 1970

9.1.1. To rectify high number of Tamils entering university as exams was English based. Tamils coming from India had advantage as they were exposed to English language

10. Resettlement