Sedation Dentistry in Fort Worth

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Sedation Dentistry in Fort Worth by Mind Map: Sedation Dentistry in Fort Worth

1. Types of Sedation Used in Dentistry

1.1. Inhaled Minimal Sedation

1.2. Oral Drug Sedation

1.3. Intra Venous Sedation

1.4. General Anesthesia

2. Who To Call

2.1. H. Peter Ku, D.D.S., PA 3045 Hamilton Avenue Fort Worth, Texas 76107 Phone: (817)870-0556


4. What is the Difference between Anesthesia and Analgesia?

4.1. Anesthesia can be defined as the state of loss of sensation in any region or organ of the body

4.2. Analgesia refers to absence of pain perception

5. Why Choose Sedation Dentistry

5.1. Many people in the Fort Worth area find it extremely frightening to visit the dentist.

5.2. Others are afraid of the pain during administration of anesthesia, or are fearful of the sounds of the dental hand piece.

6. What is Conscious Sedation?

6.1. This technique employs various medications that help in relaxation of extremely anxious dental patients. The patients are usually awake, are able to breath on their own and are able to respond to external stimuli and the dentist’s command.

6.2. At the same time, they are more stress-free and manage to sit through long surgical procedures. Similarly, restless and hyperactive children become calm and cooperative after sedation.