Race in Latin America

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Race in Latin America by Mind Map: Race in Latin America

1. Indians

1.1. Socially defined

1.2. Indegenuta

1.3. Were considered minorities since immigration became a social issue.

1.4. Enemies of the Argentinian

1.5. Racism exited wherever Indians were.

1.6. Socially Defined.

2. Cuba

2.1. Received their Independence in 1898 from Spain

2.2. Law of immigration in 1902 prohibited Chinese immigration

3. Cuba and Argentina were white nations after their independence.

4. Argentina

4.1. Enemies with the Indians.

4.2. Had one century of Independence.

4.3. Immigration and education problems prohibited modernization.

4.4. The population of Indians decreased heavily.

5. Slavery was known to be a moral, economic, and political problem.

5.1. Was not abolished until 1853, was fully abolished in 1888

6. Mexican and Chinese immigration increased in 1931

7. During the 1780's the French of Saint-Domingue was the feature of the Atlantic slave system.

8. Racism was a obstacle that could not been remove easily.

9. Haitian

9.1. Haiti Revolution demonstrated how every slave owner was

9.1.1. Turning point.

10. Frederick Douglass

10.1. Born as a slave on 1818.

10.2. Delivered a speech that dedicated the Haitians.

10.3. Became the most prominent black men

10.4. Stated that blacks owed a lot to anti-slavery groups

11. Brazil

11.1. Has the most African American slaves

11.2. Country with monarchy.

11.3. Were forced to focus on race and not slavery.

11.4. Brazil had their own racial political movement.

12. Whitening Thesis

12.1. Supported Brazil's widespread belief

12.2. Black movement to the white direction

13. Revolutions

13.1. Saint-Domingue produced more than half the world's coffee. Slaves were and many free coloured people help him produce coffee.

13.2. French Emancipation defended by the blacks of Saint-Domingue. Defended against Spanish, English, and French troops, this lead to abolition of slavery in Haiti.