E-Business (Jason van Neijhof)

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E-Business (Jason van Neijhof) by Mind Map: E-Business (Jason van Neijhof)

1. E-banking

1.1. online banking facilities

1.2. telephone banking

2. E-Government

2.1. G2C

2.2. G2B

2.3. G2G

3. E-Marketing

3.1. advertising on internet

3.2. Social media

4. E-collaboration

4.1. bulk purchasing

5. E-recruitment

5.1. LinkedIn

6. General information/subjects

6.1. Security

6.2. Mobile devices

7. E-commerce

7.1. Customers

7.2. CRM

7.3. different types of E-commerce

7.3.1. B2B

7.3.2. B2C

7.3.3. C2C

7.3.4. B2B4C

7.4. online payments

7.4.1. PayPal

8. E-learning

8.1. follow courses online

8.2. E-books

9. E-auction

9.1. Ebay

10. E-procurement

10.1. platforms

10.2. creating quotations

11. E-trading

11.1. information technology