3) “How inventions and discoveries are used is not the concern of the scientist.” To what extent do you agree?
by Mengyi Zhou
1. The main concern of scientists should be the pursuit of knowledge and discovery of truth instead of being responsible for the applications of their inventions and discoveries.
1.1. According to Karl Popper, one of the strongest motives for scientific discovery is the search for truth. The growth of Science leads to a growth in knowledge.
2. The intention of the scientists is often virtuous, therefore the unpredictable outcome of their inventions and discoveries makes it invalid to blame scientists for the evil usages of their findings.
2.1. Lead was originally used to reduce the noise of machines. However, it was later found to have detrimental effects to human health.
2.2. CFC was invented as refrigerant but it causes the depletion of ozone layer and thus global warming.
3. The usages of inventions and discoveries should be the concern of multiple parties.
3.1. It is the responsibility of government agencies to ensure the appropriate uses of scientific inventions. The Food and Drug Administration regulates and supervises food safety and pharmaceutical usage.
3.2. The profit-driven commercial firms, such as that of cosmetics, may disregard potential hazard of certain chemicals.
4. The creative mindsets of the scientists would be stifled should they be responsible for the uses of their inventions and discoveries. This would prevent the true discovering spirit of the scientists.
4.1. Scientists may foresee the potential dangers of nuclear fission but if they are deterred by such concerns, nuclear technology would not have been developed as an alternative source of renewable energy.
5. Scientists should be aware of the potential controversy prior to their research.
5.1. Genetic engineering evokes ethical concerns which is seen to be morally wrong by many religious conservatives.
6. Scientists should be responsible for the negative outcomes which are made possible by their own discoveries and inventions.
6.1. When Albert Einstein realised the abuse of his mass-energy equivalence equation to make nuclear bomb, he devoted his later life to campaign against such misuse.