Narcissus and Echo

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Narcissus and Echo by Mind Map: Narcissus and Echo

1. Echo is Silenced by the goddess Hera for distracting her from her unfaithful husband and cursed to only be able to repete what others say

2. Narcissus is the most beautiful man and everyone falls in love with him

2.1. Echo sees Narcissus and falls in love with him but is unable to tell him how she feels because of her curse. Narcissus is cruel to Echo.

2.1.1. Echo pines for Narcissus for the rest of her life, until she finally fades away, leaving behind just her voice.

2.2. Narcissus sends a sword to one of his suitors, asking him to prove his adoration

2.2.1. The man kills himself with the sword and, as he dies, he asks the gods to punish Narcissus Narcissus is cursed to fall in love with his reflection, thinking it a Nymph. Narcissus realizes that the reflection is just that and kills himself.