Types, Formats and Sources To Create High-Value Content

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Types, Formats and Sources To Create High-Value Content by Mind Map: Types, Formats and Sources  To Create High-Value Content

1. Editorial Strategy

1.1. discover

1.2. aggregate

1.3. sort

1.4. select

1.5. group

1.6. classify

1.7. compare

1.8. qualify

1.9. simplify

1.10. illustrate

1.11. relate

1.12. make accessible

1.13. etc.

2. Content Sources

2.1. Search engines

2.2. People

2.3. News

2.4. Blogs

2.5. Forums

2.6. Books

2.7. Video

2.8. Print publications

2.8.1. contents in other languages

2.9. Stuff you have already published

2.9.1. rare, hard-to-find gems

2.10. Public domain data

2.10.1. wikipedia

2.10.2. public data

3. Distribution Formats

3.1. free web content

3.2. downloadable

3.3. streaming

3.4. membership - limited-time

3.5. Newsletter

4. Formats

4.1. Guide

4.1.1. Blog Publishing Guide

4.1.2. Superguide The Web Hosting Providers Guide How To register Your Domain Name

4.1.3. Mini-guide Email Distribution And Commercial Newsletter Mailing Services Website Monitoring And Testing: How To Monitor And Test Your Web Site Performance

4.2. Tutorial

4.2.1. Screencast Guide - Make Money

4.2.2. Make Money with Blog

4.2.3. CommonCraft Tutorials

4.2.4. Lynda.com

4.3. List - Catalogue

4.3.1. RSSTop55

4.3.2. Best Collaboration Tools

4.4. Chart - Infographic

4.5. Gallery

4.5.1. Best Tsunami Video

4.5.2. Web Design

4.6. Collection

4.6.1. FeedMyApp

4.7. Newsradar

4.7.1. Kolabora

4.7.2. Smartbrief

4.8. Digest

4.9. Interviews

4.10. Survey - Research data

4.10.1. SurveyMonkey

4.10.2. Zoomerang

4.11. Geomaps - itineraries

4.12. Blog

4.13. One-page poster

5. Content Types

5.1. Video

5.1.1. interview

5.1.2. presentations

5.1.3. screencasts

5.1.4. webTV

5.1.5. playlist

5.2. Audio

5.2.1. podcasts

5.3. Infographics

5.4. eBook

5.5. Forum

5.5.1. Q&A

5.5.2. Support - Assistance

5.5.3. Consulting - Advice

5.6. Template

5.6.1. PageDo

5.6.2. Outlandish

5.7. Software

5.7.1. Training Tools

5.7.2. DU Meter

5.8. Plug-ins - Add-ons

5.9. Widgets

5.9.1. Web Widgets: Cosa Sono E Come Possono Migliorare Il Tuo Blog - Video Guida

5.9.2. Creare Widget: Guida Ai Migliori Servizi

5.10. Service

5.10.1. CastingWords

5.10.2. Doodle

5.11. Online Event

5.12. Contest