Information process

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Information process by Mind Map: Information process

1. Assess

1.1. Did I fulfil my purpose

1.2. How did I go on my way

1.3. How did I go presenting

1.4. Where do I go from there

2. Organise

2.1. have I enough information for my purpose

2.2. Do I need all this information

2.3. How can I combine my information

3. Present

3.1. What will I do with my information

3.2. Who will I share my information

4. This is awesome

5. Define

5.1. Why do I need to find this out

5.2. What is my purpose

5.3. What are key words and ideas

5.4. What do I need to do

6. Locate

6.1. What do I already know

6.2. What do I still need to find out

6.3. What sources and equipment can I use

6.4. Where can I find my information

7. Select

7.1. What information can I leave out

7.2. How relevant is the information I have found

7.3. How credible is the information I have found

7.4. How will I record the information I need

8. Please thumbs up