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Brainstorming by Mind Map: Brainstorming

1. How does the Tech Affect the Life of the wearer

1.1. Accessorize

1.1.1. Primarily aesthetic?

1.2. Augmentation

1.2.1. Is the persons life more efficient and amplified by the tech?

1.3. Fusion / Integration

1.3.1. Is the relationship between the wearable tech one that enables the person to do things they could not otherwise do? ie Jet pack makes you fly, glucose meter can allow real time diabetic monitoring etc.

2. How Does the Life affect the Fashion

2.1. Accessory

2.1.1. Was the tech applied to accessorize the look

2.2. Augmentation

2.2.1. Does the tech augment the Fashions form

2.3. Fusion / Integration

2.3.1. Is the state of the fashion integrated and symbiotic with the tech. What is it to consider a parasitic role?

3. How was the wearable tech created and what was it's intent

3.1. Accessory

3.1.1. Was the tech applied separately as an accessory

3.2. Augmentation

3.2.1. Was the Tech formed onto an existing fashion

3.3. Fusion / Integration

3.3.1. Was the form developed with the tech in mind and integrated physically