High fantasy

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High fantasy by Mind Map: High fantasy

1. Magic

1.1. Different spells

2. Characteristics

2.1. Portal

2.2. The chosen one

2.3. Good vs. Evil

2.4. Helpers

2.5. Magical beings

2.6. The quest

2.7. Parallel worlds

3. Films

3.1. Stardust

3.1.1. Tristan Thorne

3.1.2. Portal: A gap in a wall

3.1.3. The quest: In the start he goes out to get the star for Victoria. Later he wants to save Yvaine from the witches.

3.1.4. Good vs. Evil: The good people consist of Tristan. The evil forces are the three witches.

3.2. Neverwhere

3.2.1. Richard

3.2.2. Kind of overlapping worlds

3.2.3. The quest: Help Door.

3.2.4. Good vs. Evil: Richard and door are good people. The two evil brothers are evil.

3.3. Narnia

3.3.1. Peter Susan Edmund Lucy

3.3.2. The wardrobe

3.3.3. The quest: Kill the witch (return summer)

3.3.4. Good vs. Evil: The evil forces consist of the Hordes of the White witch Jaden The good forces are Aslan and his minion plus the 4 chosen ones.

3.4. Harry P.

3.4.1. Harry P.

3.4.2. The wall on Kings Cross station The wall leading to platform 9 3/4

3.4.3. The quest: Avoid getting killed by Voldemort, In the last films it changes to Kill Voldemort.

3.4.4. Good vs. evil: Evil is Voldemort and his minions Good consists of Harry P and his supporters