Ancient Norse Creation.

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Ancient Norse Creation. by Mind Map: Ancient Norse Creation.

1. Main Character: Giant Ymir.

1.1. Glorious.

1.2. Giant.

1.3. The creation of the world emerges from her body.

1.4. Defeated.

2. Solution of the problem.

2.1. Creation of the sky, the sun, the moon, the stars and the first humans.

3. Main idea.


3.1.1. Battle between Giants and Gods.

3.2. CAUSE.

3.2.1. Union of two worlds, the cold and dark world, and the world of light and heat.

4. Objetives of the myth.

4.1. The gods Odin, Vili and Ve defeat Ymir to create the universe.

4.2. Create the universe from the blood, flesh, bones and skull of Ymir.

5. The End.

5.1. Creating the abodes of the gods and other worlds, above the sky and in the depths of the earth.

6. Other Charactes.

6.1. God Odin.

6.1.1. Dependencies

6.1.2. Milestones

6.2. God Vili.

6.2.1. Schedule

6.2.2. Budget

6.3. God Ve.

6.3.1. KPI's