Supplier Evaluation

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Supplier Evaluation by Mind Map: Supplier Evaluation

1. Critieria

1.1. Lagging indicator vs Leading indicator

1.2. Reactive approach vs Proactive approach

1.3. Quantiative vs Qualiativie

1.4. Objective vs Subjective

1.5. Performance expectation

2. Methods/ approach

2.1. Site visit

2.2. Supplier audit

2.2.1. Quality level

2.2.2. Strategic conformity

2.2.3. Adatability

2.2.4. Service level

2.2.5. Price and cost level

2.2.6. Supply capacity/ capibility

2.2.7. Willingness and capability to develop their function

2.3. Scorecards

2.4. Surveys and questionnaires

2.4.1. RFI surveys

2.4.2. Quality surveys

2.4.3. Supplier surveys

2.5. Supplier assessment

2.5.1. Product level

2.5.2. Process level

2.5.3. Quality assurance system level

2.5.4. Company level

3. Strategy

3.1. Procurement porfolio

3.1.1. Strategic supplier

3.1.2. Leverage supplier

3.1.3. Bottleneck supplier/ custome

3.1.4. Noncritical and commodity supplier

3.2. Supplier commitment matrix

3.3. Supplier characterization matrix for production development

3.4. Supplier characterization matrix - Spend

3.5. Supplier management action matrix

3.5.1. Strategic

3.5.2. Collaborative

3.5.3. Commondity

3.5.4. Custome

4. Goals