Blogging as a business

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Blogging as a business por Mind Map: Blogging as a business

1. Other

1.1. Knight Foundation News Challenge

1.1.1. tight geo areas

1.2. send email for specific things

1.2.1. set up LLC

1.2.2. go to yearly kos

1.2.3. events

1.3. Chip In -- see burntorange

1.3.1. avg $34 contribution

1.4. click 2 blue - CPM ads

1.5. progressnow y/y campaign

1.6. does social change sell?

1.6.1. paid ads for book reviews

1.6.2. reach out to orgs related to issues you cover

2. beware MSM leeching off bloggers

2.1. always people who are paid that ask for you to do for free

3. Ways to make money

3.1. campaign blogging

3.2. progressive non-profit / PAC

3.3. high traffic blog

3.4. value added services

3.4.1. ads

3.4.2. email list

4. michael

4.1. media attention

4.2. CPM model doesn't work

4.3. aggressive marketing of demographic to advertisers

4.4. package with ads.

4.4.1. $700 with ad

4.4.2. mailing list of 800 lgbt bloggers

4.5. email list

4.5.1. readers

4.5.2. bloggers

4.5.3. legislators!

4.6. market yourself to advertisers

4.7. add donate button

4.7.1. paypal

5. allie - CIM

5.1. 501c3

5.1.1. easier to raise money

5.2. we pay state-bloggers

5.2.1. 8-10 fellows per state

5.2.2. $1500 per month

5.3. funding comes from big donors

5.4. experimenting with syndication services

5.5. not much work in ad sales

5.6. small user contributions

5.6.1. multi cent tip jar