TEDxRdam talk - Meiny Prins & Birgitte Paulissen

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TEDxRdam talk - Meiny Prins & Birgitte Paulissen 作者: Mind Map: TEDxRdam talk  - Meiny Prins & Birgitte Paulissen

1. why?

1.1. energy companies known today

1.1.1. dont excist in 20 years

1.2. BREAK thru old structures

1.3. we have to jump

1.4. why

1.4.1. problems with energy water

2. Meiny Prins & Birgitte Paulissen

2.1. meiny

2.1.1. CEO of Priva and Busi­ness­woman of the Year 2009

2.1.2. ideas

2.1.3. drive

2.1.4. commitment

2.2. bridget

2.2.1. entertainers

3. mission

3.1. where do they come to

3.1.1. heart

3.1.2. soul

3.1.3. mind

3.1.4. connection?

4. news

4.1. Financial Paper

4.1.1. do anything to stop decentralized energy production shocked

5. today

5.1. its is already happening in Westland (NL)

5.2. serious economic cluster

5.3. greenhouse sector

5.4. 5 examples

5.4.1. 1. prices for ground is high

5.4.2. 2. chemicals no

5.4.3. 3. recycled water 90%

5.4.4. 4. co2 emissions

5.4.5. 5. energy prizes are rising

5.5. hoogland

5.5.1. 1 hectare can feed 1200 houses for energy

5.5.2. 2700 hectare greenhouses

5.5.3. between greenhouses

5.5.4. connect it 1 sustainable delta living area's

5.6. think different

5.6.1. by pass old structures

6. back to overview

7. brainstorm

7.1. sharp

7.2. out of the box

7.3. balance

7.4. pioneer

7.5. decentralize

7.6. green

7.7. breath

7.8. green

7.9. greenhouse

7.10. math