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1. Ideology is "a network or consensus of interconnected ideas... both the source of cultural discourses and their outcome" (86)

1.1. Materials

1.2. Personel

1.3. Services

1.4. Duration

2. "Cultural Common Sense"

2.1. "misrepresents concrete conditions and specific causes" (94)

2.2. "There is no escape from ideology, but there is a kind of constant vigilance that ideology critique calls for: What unarticulated premises stand behind our 'knowledge'?"(101)

2.2.1. "Ideology is the making natural of cultural phenomena." pg 98

2.3. "All meaning is contextual; all contexts are social; and all societies have ideologies, recognitions of common sense" (101

3. Prescriptive

3.1. "Offers a kind of new course that might somehow be free of the mystifications of false ideas." (94)

3.1.1. Ex. Causes of teen crime. "Teen crime is finally about money." (pg. 94)

3.1.2. "In fact, ideology seems inseparable in this way from the definition of knowledge itself, which is necessarily both abstract and concrete" (95).

4. Descriptive

4.1. "Ideology, in the end, is what you think before you think or act--what thinking and action silently take for granted." (99)

4.2. "Ideology is that group of intertwining beliefs that makes possible certain kinds of cultural consensus and knowledge" (97)

4.3. "..the very meanings of such inquiries or knowledges...are sometimes changed in the course of performing research that is supposedly based on them." (96)