Enlightenment to Revolution

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Enlightenment to Revolution by Mind Map: Enlightenment to Revolution

1. Age of Napoleon

1.1. Napoleon Himself: Leader of France

1.2. Domestic Policies

1.2.1. The Church: the church is reformed and had to become controlled by the state of France.

1.2.2. Codification of Laws

1.2.3. Bureaucracy: an administrative organization that relies on non-elective officials and regular procedures.

1.3. Napoleon's Empire

1.3.1. Steps to Empire

1.3.2. Spread of Ideas

1.3.3. Resistance of the British

1.3.4. Nationalism: the unique cultural identity of a people based on common language, religion, and national symbols.

1.4. Fall of Napoleon

1.4.1. Disaster in Russia: Napoleons attack on Russia falls since he forgets to pack his winter coat.

1.4.2. Final Defeat: Ends French revolution and is leader in 1799.

2. French Revolution

2.1. Background: The year 1789 the French and American revolutions happened changing governments and ideas in laws.

2.2. National Assembly Arises

2.3. Initial Resolve

2.3.1. Declaration of the Rights of Man

2.3.2. The King Concedes

2.3.3. Church Reform

2.3.4. New Constitution

2.4. Radicalism

2.4.1. The First Republic

2.4.2. Important People

2.4.3. The Fate of the King

2.4.4. Crisis and Response

2.5. Reign of Terror

2.5.1. Crushing Rebellion

2.5.2. The End of Terror

3. American Revolution

3.1. Causes: Changes in government/ rules or laws

3.2. Important Individuals: George Washington

3.3. Outcomes: Change in government.

4. Music

4.1. Important Composers

4.1.1. 1) Mozart

4.1.2. 2) Beethoven

4.1.3. 3) Wilhelm Richard Wagner

4.2. Impacts: After listening to the music in the link, answer these questions.

4.2.1. Describe what you hear: Beethoven's 5th Symphony.

4.2.2. Describe what you feel after listening: Calm and relaxed.

5. Enlightened Absolutism

5.1. How more humane policies for his subjects might also strengthen the state.

5.1.1. Despots: a ruler or other person who holds absolute power. France Austria Russia Prussia

5.2. Affects: Change in ideas of life.

5.3. Important Events: Philosophical ideas were made.

6. 7 Years War: Watch the video and use your book to help you organize your information

6.1. The War in Europe: People in Europe fought over Europe and mostly because of dominance. Seven Years war(British v.s. French). All because of land.

6.2. The War in India: Started because of government change and for land.

6.3. The War in North America: Freedom is why wars in North America started.

7. Enlightenment in Culture

7.1. Art

7.1.1. Important Artists: 1) Francisco Goya 2) Caspar David Friedrich

7.1.2. Important Works: Raft of Medusa What do you see? Dead people. What symbolism do you notice? A flag, a ships sail and dark clouds. What does the title describe? This describes what happened to what looks like a ship wreck. To whom do you think the artist was trying to capture their attention? The artist was capturing anyone religious and believes in these types of works. Liberty Leading the People What do you see? A lady with the French flag. What symbolism do you notice? Symbol of the French Revolution, which the flag describes. What does the title describe? The people want liberty from their government, meaning they are revolting. To whom do you think the artist was trying to capture their attention? The artist was trying to capture the minds of people and to present revolution.