George Washington

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George Washington by Mind Map: George Washington

1. Childhood

1.1. He was born on February 22, 1732

1.2. He was born in Westmoreland County Virginia and spent his childhood in neighboring cities.

1.3. His father died when he was only 11 so he lived with his mother.

2. Military Experience

2.1. George Washington was a commander and chief of the American and French forces during the American Revolution.

2.2. He spent 40 years in military service.

2.3. He was appointed commander by the Second Continental Congress.

3. Presidency

3.1. He was unanimously elected to be the first President of the United States.

3.2. He established a tradition of being a president for only two terms.

3.3. He was involved in creating a compromise that moved the capital to Washington D.C.