Football Project Object

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Football Project Object por Mind Map: Football Project Object

1. When did people start playing football?

1.1. What games existed before football?

1.2. Where did the game start?

1.3. Is there an inventor of the game?

1.4. New node

2. When was the first league?

2.1. Who were the most successful teams in the early years?

2.2. Which teams played in the first league?

2.3. When were the rules agreed and are they the same as they are now?

3. The football

3.1. How has the football changed over the years?

3.2. Where are footballs made?

3.2.1. How much do the people making footballs get paid? Who makes money out of football? New node

3.3. What is a modern football made of?

3.4. How have the changes in the ball changed the game?

4. International football

4.1. How did football spread around the world?

4.2. When did the World Cup start?

4.2.1. Which teams were involved?

4.2.2. Who has scored the most goals in a tournament?

4.2.3. Which country has won the most times?


4.3. When did European competition start