Integral Psychology

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Integral Psychology by Mind Map: Integral Psychology

1. Organizations

1.1. APA

1.2. International Psych Association

1.3. Association for psych Science

1.4. Psychology Today

2. Ideas-Content

2.1. organize according to methods from IMP

2.1.1. phenomenological psych includes depth psych

2.1.2. behavioral psych

2.1.3. biological psych

2.1.4. hermeneutic psychology

2.1.5. developmental structural psychology Loevinger-Cook-Greuter Fisher Skill Theory Lectica

2.1.6. cultural psychology

2.1.7. eco-psychology

2.1.8. social psych includes organizational psych

2.2. types of psychology

2.2.1. psychedelic psychotherapy

2.3. organize according to states

2.3.1. positive psychology

2.3.2. mindfulness

2.4. Counseling, Psychotherapy and Coaching

3. People

3.1. Tim Black, Ph.D.

3.2. Dan Brown, Ph.D.

3.3. David Elliott, Ph.D.

3.4. Jeff Quintero

3.5. Ken Wilber

3.6. Elliott Ingersoll, Ph.D.

3.7. Mark Forman, Ph.D.

3.8. Dave Vago, Ph.D.

3.9. Willow Pearson, LMFT, Music Therapist

3.10. EDL Alum

3.10.1. Rodger Hyodo

3.10.2. Manning Glicksohn

3.10.3. Rose Meeker

3.10.4. Norm Smookler

3.10.5. Grant Johnson, Ph.D.

3.10.6. Renita Wellman, Ph.D.

3.11. UBC Alum

3.11.1. Meris Williams, Ph.D.

3.11.2. Sharalyn Jordan, Ph.D.

3.11.3. Danielle Duplassie, Ph.D. (?)

3.11.4. Douglas Cave, Ph.D.

3.12. Lower Mainland Healing Arts Practitioners

3.12.1. John Scheunhage

3.12.2. Natasha English

3.12.3. Juma Wood

3.12.4. Ian Johnson, Ph.D.

3.13. Bert Parlee, Ph.D.

3.14. Psychiatrists

3.14.1. Jeffrey Soulen

3.14.2. Baron Short

3.14.3. Donna Dryer

3.15. Ubiquity People

3.15.1. Peter Merry

3.15.2. Willow Dea

3.15.3. Dana Kilsanin

3.15.4. Jim Garrison

4. Resources

4.1. APA list of divisions

4.2. Klisanen's Intro

4.3. Integral Psychology

4.4. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice

4.5. SUNY Series in Integral Theory

4.5.1. integral recovery

4.5.2. A Guide to Integral Psychology

4.5.3. Integral Psychotherapy

4.6. Articles in Psychology Today

4.7. Special Issue in Counseling and Values

5. Pedagogy

5.1. Competency-Based

5.1.1. Need a competency dictionary for psychology

5.1.2. Fisher's Skill Theory

5.1.3. what lines are we developing?

5.1.4. what states are we training?

5.2. Project-Based

5.2.1. mission-based

5.2.2. challenge-based

6. Tasks

6.1. bio

6.2. Dept description

6.3. List of Potential courses