Workshop with BSU on Incorporating Healing Initiatives; a reflective process towards building and...

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Workshop with BSU on Incorporating Healing Initiatives; a reflective process towards building and community awareness. by Mind Map: Workshop with BSU on Incorporating Healing Initiatives; a reflective process towards building and community awareness.

1. Locating the violence of institutional participation in the reproduction of institutional life in community life.

1.1. For Example:

1.2. To intention the processes by which we form community (be)longing for ourselves; what type of community do we need, and how do we intention our participation in community spaces.

1.3. identifying community needs;

1.4. identifying deterrents to meeting these community needs or of fulfillling the needs of community for different persons.

1.5. Where are the sites of fracturing in community disruption/inability to provide a healing and affirmative space to those who identify as "part" of the community?

1.6. Where is this trauma displaced?

2. "Since it is necessary to divide the people in order to preserve the status quo and (thereby) the power of the dominators, it is essential for the oppressors to keep the oppressed from perceiving their strategy. So the former must convince the latter that they are being "defended" against the demonic action of "marginal, rowdies, and enemies of God" (for these are the epithets directed at men who order to divide and confuse the people, the destroyers call themeslves builders, and acuste the true builders of being destructive" - Paulo Freire Pedagogy of the Oppressed

3. "Thinking Outside the Institution (While Participating)"

4. Ultimately this is a process of manipulation by which dominant ideologies and their institutional incantations reproduce their foundational logics through the fostering of tensions in institutional space which act hyperbollicaly in spaces of marginal identity recognition; coercsing an environment that focuses marginalized community upon the ideals and objectives of the dominant institutional life.

5. Evoking this tension in theater to exemplify how it operates.

6. Healing from Apathy